Friday 15 August 2008

Day 5 - by Munch

Yeeehaaa this is what the forums and blogs are all talking about and they are dead right ketosis is fantastic! Finally feel amazing and not hungry cant believe I haven't eaten a single morsel of food for 5 whole days. its incredibly uplifting being so proud of yourself! Really really proud of Kel too coz never known her to be so motivated and positive thinking and she has decided to see a stop smoking clinic on Tuesday hurrah!

Tonight I've had so much energy - bloomin heck! Don't feel like me at all! I've driven up to Manchester to drop Lew off with Chris coz they going to Anglesey this weekend (we are very jealous of course although our stuff hasn't quite dried from last weekends hilarious camping catastrophe!)
Drove back the long way with Scott Mills floor fillers blaring dancing away having a great time then when finally got home ran in and got DVD and went straight to blockbusters then Tesco to get more loo roll (coz we never stop weeing) and when i got home again must have been about 8pm- I mowed the lawn! Honestly - me mowing the lawn bet the neighbours had a laugh! then went on a tidying spree and finally did that huge pile of ironing! wow love love love this diet.

Only slightly negative thing- on the cambridge diet the choice seems to be either drink the recommended amount of water and spend every 10 mins on the loo or don't and spend ages on the loo unsuccessfully trying to poo!!! Either way on this diet you get to see your bathroom far too often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Anisah in Kuwait.
Congratulations on getting into Ketosis! It should be smooth sailing now. Isn't it great? Enjoy the energy and keep on shakin it!