Monday 25 August 2008

day 14 - exhausting trip to the seaside

What an amazing day we had! We've decided that after much debate we will get married in 2010 - seems long enough away to be able to save and be at a happy weight - there is no way I'm getting married fat! Since we are a non traditional family we wanted to do something a bit different and anyway we aren't allowed to get married in a church - (I'm not going to get started on how I feel about that) Last year we checked out Chester Zoo as a wedding venue and it was amazing for the ceremony and the reception but just way out of our budget unless something drastic happens like the lotto or Mum meeting a millionaire. Since Kel's favourite place in the world is Anglesey we went on a day trip checking out all the locations licensed for civil partnership on the island.

Plas Newydd came out on top by a mile. Its only available for the ceremony which means finding somewhere else for the reception but its gorgeous and was Kels late Mum's favourite spot on the island. We went everywhere and except for Treysgawen Hall everywhere else is just a normal hotel/restaurant which could be anywhere really.

As we were walking out of the last hotel a car pulled up to us and beeped - it was our closest friend M who lives in London and 2 other really good mates LB and N - incredible! No-one even knew we were on Anglesey - it was just a total extremely happy co-incidence! They we're going to N's house which happened to be right next door the hotel we were standing outside of to eat a chippy takeaway. By this point we'd been on our day out for about 10 hours with just a breakfast shake in Plas Newydd car park so we bravely sat and 'enjoyed' our second shake while they polished off fish chips and peas lol I've got to say I was mightily impressed with myself for not having any problem at all.

On the way home though we both started to have a headache and feel a bit queasy. We had only had 2 shakes and about 2 litres of water all day. We stopped off at a services along the way coz Kel was bushed - hardly surprising since she'd been driving all the way there, all round Anglesey and all the way back home! We had a black coffee each and looked through the food menu imaging what kind of food we will eat when were out of 'rehab'! It wasn't as torturous as it sounds - I really enjoyed it actually!

We finally made it home feeling really exhausted and lightheaded. Its by far the busiest day we have had whilst on the Cambridge diet and its difficult to 'eat' when you need to when you are on the road. It would have been lovely when we stopped off at the services to have been able to have a soup but I don't know how you would do that. Anyway we polished off our soup immediately then stayed up for far too long discussing how the hell you work out who goes up the aisle and in what order when there are 2 brides, only 1 parent each and a son between them!!! mind boggling stuff!

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