Monday 11 August 2008

Day 1 - by Kel

Well, we got weighed last week when saw CDC and then this weekend was meant to be our final blowout - and it was! Pretty much ate all my fav food and felt huge last night so thought we'd better get weighed again or else we wouldn't notice much difference next week. So glad I did - I've put half a sodding stone on! in a week! how crazy is that!

Anyway, So I've done day 1 - and it was ok! Started really positive with my boss being really supportive. Had Cappuccino at 9.30am and it was really thick and filling but by 12 i was bloody starving. But I put off lunch for as long as poss coz i knew with work i wouldn't get to have last 'meal' till 9ish. I managed till 2pm and then kept full with plenty of water - haven't weed so much in all my life.

Well its gone 9pm and I've just had my chilli soup - it was gorgeous.

I've managed a day on a diet without cheating! HURRAH!!

I felt it easy not to cheat - when you're on a 'normal' diet and you are eating its easy to fail by saying you'll be good and have a jacket potato but then smothering it in butter or looking at yoghurts in the shop and seeing the pork pie and somehow that's what you've got - (ooh can you tell I'm hungry)
But CD takes food out of the equation - I'm not tempted by naughty food because I simply don't eat food!

I have had some side effects already - too much weeing! headaches and tiredness. Also I've had more black coffee than normal so feel a bit hyper but tired - weird!

I'm really hungry and its only 10pm but think I'm gonna persuade Munch its bed time!

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