Wednesday 1 October 2008

While Kel's away Munch will ?

Blog lol. She's gone to a works conference at Alton Towers. Jammy devil! I'm so so proud, she's been nervous all week because not only will there be about 1000 people and she only knows 3 but all the food and drink is paid for by the company and while she doesn't want to ruin the diet she didn't feel as if she could refuse the meals in front of the big bosses (especially as I want her to learn to network lol). anywhoo spoke to her a couple of times yesterday and she was having a fantastic time, shes made new friends, had ss+ food (no carbs and low fat) and best of all been on 4 rides! The night time do was 60/70's themed and they all had to dress up or else! so she went all hippyfied - she text me a pic of her last night all done up in a long blond wig - hilarious but also you could tell how much weight she's lost coz her cheekbones are fab. I sent it to mum who was well impressed and said wouldn't it be lovely when kel is at target if she has long hair OMG Kel would die! One of her big motivators to losing weight is to have as short and funky a lesbo crop as she can lmao

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