Monday 1 September 2008

What Buffet?

We survived fine! The smell of the food was quite powerful and other people are quite odd about you not eating - either feeling sorry for you or taking the mick and waving food at you - but hey that's family lol. Mini munch as ever won most supportive son - there's no way you could cheat anywhere in his proximity. Even when we make shakes into cookies he quizzes us on whether we are allowed them. Slightly irritating but very well meant bless him.

So after our complete abstinence at the buffet we came home and had a bit of broccoli and 4 mushrooms in our veg soup and a tetra-pak ice cream - yummy. Since we have been losing weight fine we are going to have a very small amount of veg either Sat or Sun night every week unless we stop losing weight at the same rate we are now. Having the veg is giving us something different to eat to alleviate the mind numbing boredom of soup, and a mini goal to get through the week and it also kind of makes you feel a bit 'normal' ! It isn't making us crave other food and isn't making us hungry so I am happy to do it at the moment but if anything changes or the amount creeps up then I will put a stop to it because we are so committed to our weight loss.

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