Monday 22 September 2008

Saturday Night Naughtiness!

On Saturday night my birthday surprise was being taken by Kel to the Regent Theatre in Hanley to see the Blues Brothers Party

Even more of a surprise was that Mum and Lew met us there with pork pie hats and shades on lol! Even though I would have said its not my kind of music I had a brill time - boogied in the aisle and sang myself hoarse!

Afterwards Kel and I went to Pink and we were very naughty and had a couple of alcofrolic beverages oops! I had such a great time, the drag dj's were hilarious, the cabaret fantastic - sooo much better than in Crewe's pitiful excuse for a gay bar. But where oh where have all the gay boys gone? the club was mostly full of women gay, sr8 and curious lol and a few older gay men - very strange! The usual mix, especially in Crewe, is 90% young gay men on the pull and a 10% mix of Dorothy's old male and female friends and a couple of fag hags who just want to dance and not be bothered by men. Got to say Pink was brilliant fun, really lovely refreshing atmosphere and great dancing although just like every drag queen they refuse to play much R&B! They did however play Justin's Sexy Back - to which I did a Wade Robson inspired number LMAO

The evening was finished off with a small box of doner meat on the way home - naughty munch and kel!

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